Point Tacker Automation Project


My inspiration for this project is rooted in the absurdly long amount of time that it would take my SWE (Society of Women Engineers) chapter’s Recording Secretary to input our members' attendance points into a public Google Sheets document. I decided that I wanted to write a script to automate this process. Using JavaScript in Google Apps Scripts, I was able to create a solution for our problem.

The script takes in the URL of the Google Form that was used as a Sign-In for the event and the name of the event as input from the Google Sheet. Based on the data from the Google Form, the script will automatically create a column for the event and populate points for existing members, update exsiting member information, add new members as rows, recalculate Total, Non-GBM, and GBM points, and color code the event column. This program reduced the time spent on populating attendance points from 30 - 20 minutes to 1 minute - 30 seconds.


This first demo video is demonstrating how the user would input the Google Forms URL into the Apps Script.

Once the input is taken in, you can see the the Google Sheet automatically fill in the points, add in new members, and recalculate GBM, non-GBM, and Total points, and more.